


makchic x Happikiddo Giveaway

Be flexible. Remember that all babies cry. Allow for normal household noise.   Mamas, what was the best parenting advice you received, or wished you received? Share what helped you


Back to School: 5 Tips for a Smoother Transition

It’s not just our kids that are getting the back to school jitters – parents are certainly feeling it too! If you’re bracing yourself for whining, tears and reluctant little school-goers,


Beat the Heat! Top Tips for Kids

Born and bred in the tropics? We’re certainly grateful for round-the-clock sunny days (especially when paired with the sea and sand)! Still, it’s a wise idea for us parents to


Fight the Fatigue: 5 Top Tips for Tired Mamas 

If you’re a parent, we bet you’re always busy. Keeping the kids fed and clean, household chores, juggling work responsibilities, taking care of aging parents…the list goes on. Phew! We


10 Creative Ways to Show Mum You Appreciate Her

Thank you. How many times have we said these words to our own mamas over our lifetime? (We’re not going for the “not enough” cliche!). From the offhand thank yous


What to Do: When Kids Fight With Their Friends

Kids fight. Period. Having a fall out is a normal part of friendship, be it with their siblings, classmates, or next door neighbours. Yes, it may be hurt us to

Activities & Events

Autism Through My Eyes Campaign at Sunway Putra Mall

It’s certainly encouraging to see a global increase and emphasis towards a more conscious and inclusive world. In conjunction with the upcoming World Autism Awareness Day on April 2nd, we


What Does #InclusionMean to You?

21st March was World Down’s Syndrome Day (WDSD). It has been observed by the United Nations since 2012, as a means of raising awareness about the genetic condition. The day is celebrated on this


Welcome to (Plant) Motherhood!

Is your local IKEA frequently out of pots and planters? Do the words “Sungai Buloh” conjure an image of verdant nurseries and nodding orchids (instead of its more recent sombre


A Peek Into The World of a Stay-At-Home Parent

Deciding to become a stay-at-home parent can literally turn whole lives around. Yet as they say, ‘Something’s gotta give!’ and parents have to make these kinds of decisions. People often


Family-friendly Companies To Work For in Malaysia

Parenting is no easy task for full-time working parents. Every parent has gone through the madness of having to juggle between work and family life, especially if you are a

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