
First Trimester

Pregnancy Calendar: Week 13

As the first trimester comes to a close, your baby’s about the size of peach (almost three inches long) and probably weighs about an ounce. Fingerprints have formed on your

Pregnancy Calendar: Week 12

While it may seem as if you’ve doubled in size over the past few weeks, it’s your baby who actually has. By now, he weighs a full half-ounce and is

Pregnancy Calendar: Week 11

That adorable baby inside your tummy is starting to look human about now, as you start feeling a bit more human yourself. He is now about two inches long –

Pregnancy Calendar: Week 10

It’s a brand new week and your baby is now the size of a prune. Your tiny human being has small indentations on her legs (soon to be knees and

Pregnancy Calendar: Week 9

Welcome to week 9, mummy! The embryo measures 18mm (3/4 inch) in length and is the size of a green olive. Your baby has grown about an inch since last week.

Pregnancy Calendar: Week 8

This week, your embryo measures 13mm (1/2 inch) in length. That is the size of a large raspberry. Your little berry is looking a lot less reptilian (even though she has

Pregnancy Calendar: Week 7

The embryo now measures 9mm (1/4 inch) in length. It’s the size of a blueberry. It may seem small to you but compared to the size it was at conception –

Pregnancy Calendar: Week 6

Your baby now measures 4mm (1/8 inch) in length and begins to curve into a C shape. The embryo is still no bigger than the length of a nail head

Pregnancy Calendar: Week 5

So now your 5-week old baby is the size of sesame seed. At this stage, your embryo starts to develop. A “backbone” (notochord) starts to form in the center of

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