
Elementary Education

Elementary Education

Eye Level Math: A Mum’s Honest Review

Throughout school, I was convinced that math just wasn’t my thing. Every struggle with a sum or a disappointing exam score felt like another piece of evidence confirming my terrible


How to talk to kids about: Voting and the Elections

[This article was first published on 26th October 2022, and has been updated as at 10th August 2023.]  Malaysia’s 15th general election (GE15) may be over – but the upcoming


World Down’s Syndrome Day 2023: With Me, Not For Me

In 2019, makchic contributor Li-Hsian Choo shared her daughter Isha’s story publicly for the first time, regarding Isha’s diagnosis of Down’s Syndrome. Since then, she has had several shifts in her personal perspectives


Let’s Get Lit! Why Children Need Stories

You pick your kids up from school, they get buckled in the car – and the storytelling begins (with no end in sight for those of us with little chatterboxes)! Humankind’s


makchic Recommends: Children’s Books We Love

Earlier this month, we recommended a list of children’s bookstores for your family’s book-picking and browsing pleasure. Today, Team makchic shares with you our kid-approved books that you might wish to


How (and Why) I Started Book Clubs for My Kids

Like many parents, I was anxious at the start of the pandemic about how my children’s learning would be negatively impacted by all the lockdowns and school closures. However,  we

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