


World Breastfeeding Week 2023

  The fourth trimester is certainly real – and we’re with you on this journey, #makchicmumsquad! In conjunction with World Breastfeeding Week this month, we’ve prepared a handy compilation of some of our past


What Every First-Time Parent Should Know

Congratulations, you’re going to be a new parent! Now, take a long, deep breath, because you’re also going to be in for the most rewarding rollercoaster of a lifetime. Whether

Baby Development

10 Sensory Play Ideas with Items around the House

During the dark days of Covid lockdown, we had to stay home with our unvaccinated toddler. Worried about her development during the pandemic, my innate ‘tiger’ mum-sense kicked in –


14 Timeless (and Traditional) Baby Names 

A meaningful name is the one thing that we will choose for our children that will be carried with them throughout their life. Our names could even have a surprising

Baby Sleep

How do I make my child sleep?

Having children and sleepless nights seem to go hand in hand. In a recent sharing session we conducted on makchic’s Instagram, many of you shared some funny, but mostly frustrating

Baby Sleep

7 Newborn Sleep Tips for the Sleep-Deprived Parent

“Sleeping like a baby“, I remember thinking mutinously to myself as I rocked my crying child, “is NOT what I thought it would be!” Goodbye images of peacefully resting cherubs – hello

Essential Lists & Tips

What you need to know before your baby arrives

I was hugely unprepared to look after my newborn (a surprise pregnancy will do that for you). I made the classic error of spending most of my time researching and


Seven tips for soon-to-be mums who plan to breastfeed

Organic skincare, organic food, traditional medications, essential oils, hipster apothecaries. There is no denying the trend of going back to the ‘natural’ way among the young urban millennials these days.


Tips and Tools for Starting Solids Successfully

Starting solids is an exciting experience for both baby and parents. Children who have early experiences of eating well,  will grow up to become adults who enjoy all kinds food

Baby Development

A Conversation with Hilary Craig: Movement & Learning

Hilary Craig is a specialist teacher for people who learn differently, founder of Hils Learning Centre in KL, and author of Small Steps, Big Differences. Through the centre that she

Baby Development

My Story: My Child was Tongue Tied

My two-year-old son was diagnosed with autism in August 2017. While it was an uphill journey for our family, we eventually got into a good routine. We decided to put

Baby Development

Is Your Baby Crawling Enough?

Before children get moving on their own two legs, it’s important that they have spent enough time crawling. Here’s why. Walking, that coordinated movement of the legs that most of

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