
Toddler Development

Baby Development

10 Sensory Play Ideas with Items around the House

During the dark days of Covid lockdown, we had to stay home with our unvaccinated toddler. Worried about her development during the pandemic, my innate ‘tiger’ mum-sense kicked in –


Let’s Get Lit! Why Children Need Stories

You pick your kids up from school, they get buckled in the car – and the storytelling begins (with no end in sight for those of us with little chatterboxes)! Humankind’s


What to Do: When Kids Fight With Their Friends

Kids fight. Period. Having a fall out is a normal part of friendship, be it with their siblings, classmates, or next door neighbours. Yes, it may be hurt us to


The 3 parenting roles you don’t have to play

Parents juggle multiple roles and responsibilities daily (sometimes hourly!). We are not just mamas – we are line-cooks, teachers, administrators, cleaners and so many other things. The global health crisis

Activities & Events

Online Classes for Kids

Since the Movement Control Order was put in place, educational centres are now offering children online classes to continue learning in the safety and comfort of their homes. As a

Equipment, Tech & Toys

ChubbyFingersPlay makes safe crayons for kids

If we recall our childhood, most of us must remember having crayons somewhere in the house. They may have been broken to pieces – alas! – but there were always

Elementary Development

I Have Kids Who Talk Back

The kids in our family ‘talk back’ by our ‘Asian standards’. Scene 1: Mom is desperate to convince the reluctant eight year old to learn Mandarin. The unwilling kid ‘talks


Let It Go: Overcoming Constipation in Toddlers

With the help of paediatrician Dr. Lim Kia Suan from Joycare Pediatrics, find out how to recognise constipation in your toddler, why it might be happening, and what you can do about it.

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