
Baby Sleep

Baby Sleep

How do I make my child sleep?

Having children and sleepless nights seem to go hand in hand. In a recent sharing session we conducted on makchic’s Instagram, many of you shared some funny, but mostly frustrating

Baby Sleep

7 Newborn Sleep Tips for the Sleep-Deprived Parent

“Sleeping like a baby“, I remember thinking mutinously to myself as I rocked my crying child, “is NOT what I thought it would be!” Goodbye images of peacefully resting cherubs – hello

Baby Sleep

Baby Sleep Training Methods Explained

Are you planning on sleep-training your baby? What methods are available out there, and which one is perfect for you? We’ve compiled a list to make it easier for you to figure it out.

Baby Sleep

Baby Sleep: 5 Ways to End Your Sleepless Nights

Baby’s sleeping habits keeping you up at night? Certified child sleep consultant Sarah Ong explains what’s keeping your little one from getting a good night’s rest and solutions for sleep-deprived parents.

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