
Mama Secrets (January 2022 Edition): Hopes for the New Year

Shhhhhh. Mamas out there, your secrets are safe with us. We recognise that there are so many challenges that come along with the immense pride and joy of becoming a mother. Our monthly Mama Secrets sessions on our Instagram page provides a safe and anonymous space for parents of all walks of life to share (and vent!) their hopes, dreams, struggles and secrets, sans judgment.

In our first Mama Secrets session of 2022, we asked our #makchicmumtribe to share their hopes  for the new year. 

Health, wealth, wisdom, love, balance, truth.” Here’s a short summary of what many of us are hoping to see in 2022: 

1. We want to safely explore the world again

Source: Unsplash

Covid-19, please be gone! Until then, here are some safe travel tips for those who are considering a trip with their families. 

2. We want to see an improvement in leadership

As more voices begin to clamour for change, we remain hopeful that we will see a stronger leadership emerge – a leadership that leads without fear or favour, and that puts the rakyat’s needs first.

3. We would appreciate more help from our partners, and would love to improve our spousal relationships

Source: Zula

May this be the year where we get some well-deserved pampering and me time, and be unafraid of reaching out for support on  improving relationships and keeping the spark alive after kids.

4. We have our own passions and self-improvement goals we want to achieve

Becoming a mother means juggling many roles and giving our 101% to our little bosses. But that doesn’t mean that our own passions, hobbies and dreams should take a backseat! We can’t wait to see our makchic readers achieve their goals for personal growth and self-improvement this year. 

5. We hope for better finances after a tough few years

Surviving through the pandemic has been tough for many of us- with having to work from home through lockdowns, salary reductions and the loss of jobs. We all need good financial planning and hope to see our economy gradually recover in 2022. 

Here’s to business growth…

…progress in our jobs and careers,

…and salary increments.

6. We want to be parents (and to be able to get some sleep, post-baby!)

2022 could be the start of a pregnancy journey for many mamas. If you’re trying to conceive (TTC), here are some tips on natural ways to boost your fertility. We wish you the very best in your baby-making journey! And for new parents who are just trying to catch some much-needed shut eye, these tips on newborn sleep might help. 

7. We just want a better year ahead

Source: Unsplash

That’s truly what it all boils down to – our hopes for a better (and calmer) year. Here’s to taking it a step at a time, mamas…we know you’ve got this. 

If you’re still struggling to find your footing at the start of this year – fear not! Here are some tips on how to start afresh in 2022 and hopefully turn these dreams of yours into a reality:

  • Put the Oxygen Masks on First

Source: Unsplash

If we want a better year ahead, start first by taking better care of your mental and physical state. Remember that self-care is self-preservation. 

  • Take Responsibility and Ownership

Source: Unsplash

There are many things that we attribute to chance and luck. And while this may be true, we can still play our part in taking baby steps towards achieving our goals. Set some achievable targets and timelines to get your head in the game, and to start preparing yourself for that positive future progress.  

  • Find An Accountability Partner 

Source: Unsplash

Now that you’ve started taking ownership of your dreams, try sharing your goals with trusted individuals who will continuously encourage you and help to keep you on track. Build a strong support group, and surround yourselves with people who both challenge you and build you up. 

And as for us at makchic? It’s our privilege to continue being that source of support and encouragement for you, our dear #makchicmumtribe!


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