A child’s growth slows somewhat during the toddler years, but nutrition remains a top priority for parents. Understanding just that, Danone Dumex Malaysia recently hosted 40 mothers at its second Mamil MomMe Saturdays workshop at Eastern & Oriental Hotel in Penang. The workshop was led by senior clinical dietitian Wendy Yeow Kim Sian, who shared the importance of nutrition in supporting good digestive health and the role it plays in healthy growth and development for a child.
According to Wendy, “variety, balance and moderation” are the keys to providing good nutrition for children. Below is a list of daily nutritional needs for children aged between 4-6 years old:
- Cereals/grains: 3 servings
- Fruits: 2 servings
- Vegetables: 2 servings
- Meat/poultry: ½ serving
- Fish: 1 serving
- Legumes: ½ serving
- Milk and dairy products: 2 servings
- Limited amounts of oil, fat, salt and sugar
She also highlighted the importance of children drinking enough plain water. Those aged between 2-3 years old should drink 1-2 glasses of plain water per day while children above 4 years should consume 6-8 glasses per day.
To find out more about upcoming Mamil MomMe Saturdays or for more information on Mamil, log on to www.mamil.com.my, www.facebook.com/DumexMamil or call the Mamil CareLine at 1800 38 1038.