
Introducing: GlobbyKidz One-Stop Child Enrichment Centre


Concealed in a corner space of the West Wing in the Gardens Mall is a one-stop child enrichment centre I stumbled upon accidentally. Whether you’re looking for a full-time playschool, weekly activity-based lessons or simply a place where your child can play for a couple of hours, Globbykidz is one to consider.

What is it?

An art-integrated, thematic-based education centre that focuses on neuro-psychological development to promote creativity, language and literacy development. Brightly lit, the front hall is decked with an elevated wooden train set, a massive Frozen tent-castle, a classic dollhouse with furniture and accessories and a table toy city: enough to captivate a child’s attention for hours. Equipped with a state-of-the-art kitchen, a hall with a cabinet stuffed with children’s costumes, a children-sized loo and shower and a dance studio, the space is kitted out to accommodate child-centred learning.



  • Little Explorer (2-6yrs): exploration of the language development, literacy development, cultural exploration, the fundamentals of counting and math, drama and exploring science
  • Little Bakerz (3-12yrs): a sensory journey to explore a variety of food through participative food preparation that encourages creativity and discovery
  • Little Artist (4-12yrs): incorporation of the globally recognized Globalart learning methodology and creative art enrichment programmes to use art to develop imagination and skills
  • Little Dancing Star (4 and up): developing coordination skills, poise, flexibility, memory, music skills, self-confidence and concentration through Broadway ballet, jazz and creative dance
  • Little Music Maestro (4-8yrs): conducted by Harmony Road music school emphasizing ear training, solfege singing, solo and ensemble keyboard playing, rhythm activities, movement and music creativity to develop “inner hearing” towards the basic building blocks of musical studies
  • Little Talentine (4-14yrs) – a grounding in acting and drama to build confidence and social skills
  • Little Panda Pinyin (3-12yrs) – Mandarin lessons run by Dandelion Chinese Language House
  • Little Chess Master (open) – a mastery of Chinese Chess to strengthen concentration span, enhance mental comprehension, improve analytical competence and train the mind to cultivate tactical skills

BONUS: If you’re craving a couple of hours sans bubba to do a grocery run, catch up over coffee or have a movie date, here is quality childcare in the convenience of a mall!

Unique Selling Proposition: READ Profiling

Setting itself apart from most kindergartens or child-care centres, Globbykidz uses a science-backed profiling approach called dermatoglyphics that reveals innate characteristic information about your child, which can be used to steer their development towards maximizing his/her potential either independently or through the programme. Called READ (Reveal and Engage Appropriate Development) Profiling, it entails documenting your child’s fingerprints for a Fingerprint and DNA analysis to produce a documented guide for parents to discover talents their children naturally possess. More information on dermatoglyphics here.


For RM800, I received a comprehensive READ Profile and entry to four classes of my choice. The READ Profile report was mind-blowing. As the consultant spent a good hour walking me through each of my child’s inborn personality and intelligences, some things began making sense. Like how my child was rejected into preschool because the teacher said he had too short an attention span – this assessment tells me he has an advanced score on his Inborn Learning Capacity; which means he has a congenital advantage towards understanding complex concepts quickly but also causes him to lose interest in doing the same things repeatedly, since he’s already got it figured out. Or how he was able to recognise numbers and count to 10 in five languages at two (rates high on verbal/linguistic scales). Would’ve saved a lot of time and heartache if I had this information earlier!

The concept of a centre grounded in research and science appeals to me as much as personalized education because I’d be able to target and tailor to my children’s strengths and weaknesses. Globbykidz offers classes geared towards nurturing a particular talent within the Multiple Intelligences spectrum which is just what I’ve been looking for. As soon as my kids are old enough, we’re definitely signing up!

For more info, check out Globbykidz’s official website.

Khairun is a mum to two kids and owner of Recovr Resources Sdn Bhd, a growing social enterprise in the recycling and equal employment industry. She and her family are currently living in Jakarta.

Image Credit: Globbykidz

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