


Let’s Get Lit! Why Children Need Stories

You pick your kids up from school, they get buckled in the car – and the storytelling begins (with no end in sight for those of us with little chatterboxes)! Humankind’s


How (and Why) I Started Book Clubs for My Kids

Like many parents, I was anxious at the start of the pandemic about how my children’s learning would be negatively impacted by all the lockdowns and school closures. However,  we


makchic x baba baa Malaysia Giveaway Contest

What if…your kids fell in love with something wacky and wonderful? Here’s how you can get your hands on two exciting new books: “What if?“, makchic‘s first picture book for

Essential Lists & Tips

10 tips to make reading a fun feature at home

With the rapid-fire spread of the coronavirus, the whole world has been advised to stay home. Our daily lives have been disrupted in ways unimaginable in our lifetime. More than


How To Read With Your Child

Recently a friend of mine groused, “Any idea about what I can do to improve my daughter’s reading ability? She’s five and she’s a bit slow at reading for her

Activities & Events

6 Activities with Your Kids for a Hunky Dory Time

Can you believe it has been 13 years since Finding Nemo? Your kids must be giddy with excitement! The release date of Finding Dory in Malaysia is 16 June, but you


My Story: How I Started Reading to My Babies

Li-Hsian only started reading to her twins when they were around 12 months old, not as newborns. She tells us why and shares some books that her twins really enjoy.


Meow Little Lion: The Coolest New Book for Kids

Does your child need to be put to bed with a bedtime story every night? If you’re sick of reading the same thing, we’ve found a new book to add to your bedside table library.


27 Baby & Toddler Cookbooks to Fit Every Need

Whether your child has specific allergies, dining preferences, or simply enjoys hovering around the kitchen while you prepare a meal, here are our favourite cookbooks.

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