Based on Department of Statistics Malaysia 2013 data, female participation in the Malaysian workforce currently stands at 52.4%, one of the lowest amongst ASEAN countries. Research by the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development (KPWKM) and the UNDP puts 2 out of 3 women between the ages of 25-39 gave up their jobs to look after their children.
In short, there is a need to focus on getting women back into the workforce.
As such, KWPKM and TalentCorp have launched a Career Comeback Grant to encourage women who have taken career breaks to come back to work. It also aims to help employers increase diversity and inclusion in their workplace, and support companies in meeting their talent needs.
“It is crucial that we have employers’ support in the Career Comeback Programme, so that our country can optimise our women talent pool and at the same time enable women to succeed in their career ambitions as well as other personal obligations,” said YB Dato’ Sri Rohani Abdul Karim. “But while the Government can drive legislation, we also need to ensure that companies have the incentives required to make the changes.”
Two specific grants will be made available:
1. Resourcing Grant
For companies who have implemented or enhanced a programme or campaign to recruit women returnees. Companies will receive a co-funding of 75% of the cost incurred to run the programme, which may include recruitment costs, targeted campaigns, technology investment and/or other related expenses.
2. Retention Grant
For companies who have successfully recruited and retained women returnees for more than six months. The grant amount is equivalent to the returnees’ one month salary, to encourage employers to recruit and facilitate their transition back to work.
For more info on this programme, or for women who are looking for job opportunities, check out the website.
Image Credit: Saw Siow Feng / The Malay Mail Online