I first came across the concept of gender swaying when I was trying to conceive my second child. I was still nursing my firstborn, had lost a lot of weight and was having a harder time to conceive a second child. Being the analytical person I am, I researched on ways to increase my own fertility.
When I eventually became pregnant with my second child, I became group owner of a birth club on Baby Center and became really acquainted with gender swaying, which is big in the US. With a background in nutrition, the concept of gender swaying makes perfect sense to me. With a perfect hindsight, it became clear to me why I had a girl the first time round, and a boy the second time round. I subsequently used my knowledge to predict genders and help friends achieve the gender they desire.
The act of swaying increases the odds of obtaining a particular gender. While all of us definitely prioritise the health of a child, there are times when a gender dream can over-ride rationality.
You cannot guarantee getting the gender of your choice, but you can greatly increase the probability of selecting the gender you desire. Swaying requires effort from both husband and wife to make it work! And if you are ready to work as a team, here are 7 factors to swaying:
Factor 1: Hormones
Our hormones play a big role in regulating our well-being. Progesterone, estrogen and testosterone are the three main fertility and swaying-related hormones.
To conceive a girl, the wife should have low estrogen, low testosterone and high progesterone, while the husband should have low testosterone and high estrogen. In this case, a breastfeeding mother and a father who consumes considerable soy related food, and both hardly exercise, have a higher chance of conceiving a girl.
Factor 2: Ions
Ions can affect the polarity of your egg and your pH. Ions come from many different sources, such as computer, TV, microwave, phone, air condition, rain, smoking, essential oils, and seasons.
Some people are more affected than others because of the amount of exposure to the environmental factor. Y chromosome sperms are generally negatively charged and are drawn to a negatively charged egg; conversely, X chromosome eggs are positively charged and drawn to a positively charged egg.
Factor 3: pH Level of the Bodily Fluids
In my opinion, this is one of the fundamental principles of gender swaying. In general, an environment (not just the womb, but also the cervical mucus and the semen which transports the sperms) that is alkaline favours the Y chromosomes (pH 8-9.9) and one that is acidic favours the X chromosomes (pH 4-4.5). Please be mindful as an environment, which is too acidic, reduces fertility generally.
Factor 4: Minerals and Supplements
The couple needs to monitor the calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium intakes. To conceive a girl and a boy, there are different minerals targets to achieve. I generally preferr minerals to be obtained via diet before supplementing.
To conceive a girl, one needs more calcium and magnesium, whereas to conceive a boy, one needs more sodium and potassium.
Factor 5: Timing
The timing of intercourse matters tremendously and it revolves around the ovulation point. So for a start, you need to know when you ovulate. It is commonly known that Y chromosome sperms are more vulnerable and swim faster, therefore having intercourse on the date of ovulation favours conceiving a boy.
However, not many know that the frequency of intercourse affects the density, and that low sperm count favours the X chromosome sperms. This means that a couple trying to conceive a boy may have intercourse on the day of ovulation, but have also been to baby dance everyday prior. This reduces the sperm counts and increases the odds of conceiving a girl instead.
Factor 6: Weight and Exercise
The base weight at the point of trying to conceive bears an influence on the body hormones and the fertility of the woman. A fertile range of BMI (body mass index) is 20-25.
Generally, a BMI closer to 20 favours boy and a BMI closer to 25 favours girl.
For example, a mother doing cardio and on a weight loss trend stands a higher chance of obtaining a girl.
Factor 7: Diet
What you eat affects your body hormones, pH level, weight, the motility and density of the sperms, as discussed above.
Some example of food that favours girl: cheese, yoghurt, cow milk, soy milk, cranberry, pineapple, sesame seeds, berries, sugar free/low fat food, and calcium-enriched food.
Some examples of food that favours boy: alkaline water filter, lemon, potato, potato chips, salty food, banana, coffee, processed food, ice berg lettuce, celery, tomato, V8 jucie, and most meat.
Remember, none of the factors should be done in isolation as they have synergistic effect on each other.
For more detailed information, attend Daisy Ng’s bi-monthly talk on ‘Optimal Nutrition Before and During Pregnancy’ at www.brillkidsfamily.com. The next talk is slated for May 2015.
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Daisy is a mother of two and Founder of Trinity Kids Malaysia. A dedicated practitioner in early childhood education, she has been featured on BFM, The Edge, NTV7, The Star, BabyTalk magazine and given talks on related topics. As a certified Dr Sears Health Coach in children/family nutrition and ante-natal wellness, Daisy actively promotes a wholesome and non-processed diet in Malaysia’s schools. An avid reader and writer from a young age, she now writes about topics in early childhood education, child development and nutrition.