Are you thinking of trying for baby number two? No one can answer that question for you, and there’s a lot to consider. Another baby will affect your lifestyle, finances, work, relationships, and – of course – your first child. Some say growing your family by one could more than double the work for you. We asked around and here’s what 11 moms had to say about taking the leap.
“My ovaries started aching for another one!” – Alia Halim.
“My #1 had high needs. I waited till she was older, could communicate better before I tried for #2. I felt that it was more fair to give her the focused attention that she desired and needed.” – Daisy Ng.
“My two-year-old daughter tries to help with other babies (like my niece and other friends’ newborns), so I guess it’s time.” – Jane Nair.
“When I started missing the feeling of having a baby moving inside my belly.” – Sharon Yip.
“When my first kid is diaper-free, we’ll try again.”– Bernice Chan
“When my elder daughter told us that she wants a companion.” – Ng Grace.
“When my son was two years old, my period resumed. It was a sign.” – Angela Sudhakaran Lee.
“When I started missing being pregnant and holding a newborn.” – Siew Ju Li.
“I realised I wanted another one when all I could think about were babies!” – Julia Razak.
“When I see my only one playing alone, looking so pitiful to have no one to play with.” – Jane Soo.
“When I started packing away my one-year-old’s infant clothes.” – Beverley Chua.