Ayuni Zainuddin is no stranger to baby goods. Having two boys by hypnobirthing and a proud breastfeeding advocate, we’d consider this mama one of the pros. Here’s a list of things Ayuni couldn’t live without while raising her babies.
Most Used
1. Steam Sterilizer: My germaphobe husband needed this to clean the toys regularly.
2. IKEA Plastic Dining Wear: Come on, which kid or adult can resist this?
3. Baby Bathtub: Used everyday until the kids could stand unsupported. After that, a shower does the job much faster. We still use the bathtub every weekend as a recreational activity for the kids.
4. Digital Thermometer: We usually observe the kids for changes in temperament and not just the temperature before we take the next step to see the doctor. If the temperature ever goes to 39°C, off to the doctor it is.
5. Combi Stroller: It’s so light, easily foldable and expanded with just one hand and is sturdy as a horse. Most worthwhile purchase ever.
6. Boba Carrier: My husband refuses to go out of the house with the kids without it. On the days when the baby prefers Mommy, in the carrier he goes before we put him in the stroller once he’s asleep. I breastfeed while babywearing too.
7. Ikea Children Stool: Makes independent tooth brushing a pleasant experience for all.
Didn’t Use Enough
Crib: You mean that thing my husband calls “Mommy’s oversized clean laundry basket”?
Rocker: The babies can tell it’s not Mom rocking them.
Nursing Pillow: We didn’t need it because cradling and lying down positions did the trick.
Baby Toiletries: During infancy, I washed my babies with plain warm water. Later on, I used diluted Castile soap or my collection of organic cold-processed organic soaps.
Changing Table: I sit on the bed to change their nappies.
Image Credits: Courtesy of thebabyloft.com, mamapanda.com, didi.my, onebabyworld.com, littlebayi.com and IKEA.