
Kimberly Lee

Equipment, Tech & Toys

5 Tips to Help Your Child Battle Online Learning Fatigue

“Pandemic fatigue” is a phrase now firmly entrenched in our everyday lexicon. As parents, we find ourselves struggling to stay afloat. Unfortunately, our kids can often wind up in a

Health & Safety

How to talk to kids about: Safe Touches

Parents will do whatever it takes to safeguard our children’s wellbeing – from child-proofing our homes to obsessively safety-padding our kids before their first bike ride. Similarly, we need to

Elementary Development

12 Sensory Play Ideas for a Lockdown Lift

Worried about what to do with your kids during this lockdown period? Try sensory play: fun activities that engage all five of our key senses and help develop a child’s motor

Essential Lists & Tips

How to talk to kids about: Death

There are few things in this world more difficult than the death of a loved one – and fewer things that are harder to talk about. Although the topic of

Graphic cover of kid with speech bubble
Elementary Development

How to talk to kids about: Bullying

Recently, K-pop fans were rocked by the tragic news of the death of Sulli, a former member of the South Korean girl group f(x). Allegedly, the young pop star took

Health & Safety

How to talk to kids about: Sex

Makchic’s recent edition of #MamaSecrets on sexual harassment was heartbreaking. Many shared horrifying stories of being sexually harassed at such a young age. Some did not even realise that what happened to

Baby Sleep

7 Newborn Sleep Tips for the Sleep-Deprived Parent

“Sleeping like a baby“, I remember thinking mutinously to myself as I rocked my crying child, “is NOT what I thought it would be!” Goodbye images of peacefully resting cherubs – hello


In Session with Hannah Yeoh

It’s 4.00pm on a rainy Wednesday afternoon, and the Malaysian Parliament is in session. As I’m ushered into a meeting room for my interview with Yang Berhormat (the Honourable) Hannah

For Mums

Helping Friendships Survive Parenthood

Carefree nights out. Adventurous trips away. Work-related wins and woes. My childhood girlfriends’ excited chatter washed over me, near strangers to me as I retreated deeper and deeper into the


Bringing Up Body-Positive Kids

We’ve bought into every skin brightening cream that tells us “white is the new black”. Kept up with every gravity-defying Kardashian kurve. Believed in the lie that who we are

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