

Young girl counting coins

How to talk to kids about: Money

Let’s face facts – teaching your children about money is tough. Children learn from the way you treat them and from what they see. You can tell them about savings

Happy couple embracing
Essential Lists & Tips

Tips to keep the spark alive after kids

Romance, post-kids? We hear many parents scoffing with knowing laughter. Gone are the days of mindless gazing into each other’s eyes over candlelit dinners. Dinners now consist of carrot-puree splattered


Conversation Prompts To Get the Kids Talking

“Hi sweetheart! How was your day?” “Good.”  End of conversation. Meaningful communication is key to any successful relationship, while also promoting  growth for both parties.  Oftentimes though, we fall into

Activities & Events

Father’s Day Gift Ideas During Lockdown

Movement Control Order (MCO) or not, the dads in your life deserve something special. If you haven’t planned anything for Father’s Day this Sunday, don’t worry, the #makchicmumtribe has got

Essential Lists & Tips

4 Reasons Why I Fight In Front of My Kids. Guilt Free.

Never fight in front of your kids! This age-old advice given to parents paints a pretty unrealistic picture of married life. Well, it’s time this blanket advice is taken with

Essential Lists & Tips

Simple tips to raise eco-friendly kids

We spend a lot of time and effort during our children’s early years instilling proper values and manners, honing their literacy and numeracy skills, and making sure they meet their

Essential Lists & Tips

5 Tips For Organising Your Kids’ Toys

If our children had it their way, we’d all be buried in a sea of Barbies and Legos by now. However as parents,  it is our job to guide our

Essential Lists & Tips

How to talk to kids about: Death

There are few things in this world more difficult than the death of a loved one – and fewer things that are harder to talk about. Although the topic of

Essential Lists & Tips

What happens after a divorce?

Your divorce is final, your assets divided, papers signed, and you’ve talked to your children about how things will change. But now that the dust has settled, what happens next?

Essential Lists & Tips

How to talk to kids about: Divorce

You and your partner have both decided to divorce, but have either of you given any thoughts on how to break the news to your children? Separation and divorce can be


Gift ideas for Dads, by a Dad

“Abah, Happy Father’s Day!” “What’s this?” my father asked. “It’s a necktie. I bought it with Mak,” says an 8-year-old me. My celebration with Abah was very predictable. It has

Essential Lists & Tips

Tips to keep kids healthy

Here, we share tips on what you can do to keep your kids healthy. 1. Instil healthy habits Don’t stress if your kids are not on track with their phonics

Baby Sleep

How do I make my child sleep?

Having children and sleepless nights seem to go hand in hand. In a recent sharing session we conducted on makchic’s Instagram, many of you shared some funny, but mostly frustrating

Essential Lists & Tips

10 tips to make reading a fun feature at home

With the rapid-fire spread of the coronavirus, the whole world has been advised to stay home. Our daily lives have been disrupted in ways unimaginable in our lifetime. More than

overhead shot of tropical waterfalls
Essential Lists & Tips

Tips for Hiking with Kids

A recent study suggested that spending at least 120 minutes in nature each week could help you be healthier and happier. Hiking with your family is an excellent way to


Tips to Surviving Twins

The best advice if you’re expecting twins will come from parents who have been there and are still doing it. You will probably be given a lot of advice as your

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